VHPS-10-SDI12 Vented Hydrostatic Pressure SensorVHPS-10-SDI12 Vented Hydrostatic Pressure SensorVHPS-10-SDI12 Vented Hydrostatic Pressure SensorVHPS-10-SDI12 Vented Hydrostatic Pressure Sensor

VHPS-10-SDI12 Vented Hydrostatic Pressure Sensor

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KISTERS’ vented hydrostatic pressure sensor VHPS is a programmable submersible level transmitter for measuring water level and temperature in groundwater and surface water. It is low power, robust, and especially designed for use in harsh environments, providing…  Read more

Pressure Measuring Range (MH2O)
  >5 to 20 >20 to 250
Overpressure  3 x FS (≥ 3 bar)  3 x FS
Burst pressure  > 200 bar  > 200 bar
Accuracy (± % FS)  ≤ ± 0.1 ≤ ± 0.1

Thermal shift (± % FS/°C)

zero point -5 to 50 °C

≤ 0.03 ≤ 0.015

Thermal shift (± % FS/°C)

span -5 to 50 °C

≤ 0.015 ≤ 0.015
Long-term stability < 0.2 % FS / < 4 mbar

< 0.1 % FS / < 0.2 % FS

Temperature Measuring Range
  • Standard: -25 °C to +85 °C 
  • Accuracy: ≤ ± 0.3 °C / ≤ ± 0.5 °C
Temperature Range
  • Operating temperature: -5 °C to +80 °C
  • Storage temperature: -10 °C to +80 °C
  • Transducer: stainless steel (316L / 1.4435), optional titanium (Gr. 2)
  • Housing: stainless steel (316L / 1.4404), optional titanium (Gr. 2)
  • Seals: viton (standard), optional EPDM, Kalrez
  • Cable: PUR (optional PE or FEP, see below), max. cable length 250 m (850 ft)
Output SDI-12, version 1.3
  • Pressure: 0.01 % FS
  • Temperature: 0.05 °C
Measurement Units
  • Pressure: mbar, bar, mWC, mH2O, psi, inWC, ftWC, inH2O
  • Temperature: °C, °F, K
Power Supply and Consumption
  • Power supply: 8 to 30 V DC, supply influence < 0.1 % FS
  • Power consumption: in sleep mode < 0.5 mA, in active mode < 6 mA
Compliance CE, RoHS
Dimensions and Weight
  • Length 157 mm
  • Diameter 24 mm
  • Weight without cable 200 g